Planning for Action-Oriented Approaches


An action oriented approach is learning based around purposeful action, set in a context that students can relate to as being relevant and meaningful. The tasks involved are typically open ended and complex, requiring a variety of knowledge and skills. There are many possible pathways to attaining the specific end goal and creating measurable links across a full range of curriculum aims and achievement objectives. Action oriented learning could be as simple as focusing on one specific task or as involved as an entire unit of work.

Action oriented learning provides students with multiple opportunities to acquire and practise the Key Competencies. An action oriented programme is particularly suitable for student focused learning and teaching approaches, such as the inquiry method. In practical, hands-on contexts, students can establish and consolidate proficiency in areas such as research and investigation, monitoring, social and cooperative skills, communication, decision making, generating and negotiating solutions, information analysis and problem solving. All of these skills are essential in building and practising Action Competence.


Support Resources

The diagram Appendix 4 illustrates an action oriented approach to “A Sustainable School Camp” The original model for this diagram is taken from the Ministry of Education’s Guidelines for Environmental Education.

For more information on Action Competence, please refer to the Ministry of Education’s Action Competence

For more information on action oriented planning, please refer to the Ministry of Education’s An Action-Orientated Approach