Learning Contexts
BackPack identifies seven broad physical contexts for learning, relating to ECOED's Pan Pac Kiwi Crèche and the Wilderness Education Base in Hawke's Bay.
BackPack identifies seven broad physical contexts for learning, relating to ECOED's Pan Pac Kiwi Crèche and the Wilderness Education Base in Hawke's Bay.
BackPack identifies seven broad physical contexts for learning, relating to ECOED's Pan Pac Kiwi Crèche and the Wilderness Education Base in Hawke's Bay.
BackPack identifies seven broad physical contexts for learning, relating to ECOED's Pan Pac Kiwi Crèche and the Wilderness Education Base in Hawke's Bay.
BackPack identifies seven broad physical contexts for learning, relating to ECOED's Pan Pac Kiwi Crèche and the Wilderness Education Base in Hawke's Bay.
BackPack identifies seven broad physical contexts for learning, relating to ECOED's Pan Pac Kiwi Crèche and the Wilderness Education Base in Hawke's Bay.
BackPack identifies seven broad physical contexts for learning, relating to ECOED's Pan Pac Kiwi Crèche and the Wilderness Education Base in Hawke's Bay.
BackPack identifies seven broad physical contexts for learning, relating to ECOED's Pan Pac Kiwi Crèche and the Wilderness Education Base in Hawke's Bay.

The seven broad physical contexts are:
Land, Water, Structures, Animals, People, Habitats and Plants.
Within these contexts, many learning links have been identified as follows.

The physical contexts, learning links and ideas shown are by no means a complete list of possible learning opportunities around the Pan Pac Kiwi Crèche and the Wilderness Education Base. They should however,
provide a starting point for teachers and assist when planning learning programmes which are relevant,
engaging and create maximum value for learners.